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Staying on Budget Starts with NatureSeal

The foodservice industry seems to be always constantly innovating and changing for the convenience of both customers and staff. The one constant is just how crucial staying on budget is to the success of restaurant owners.   

The expenditure of running an established dining service can be mitigated with how inventory is stored and maintained. One of the most efficient measures you can take is using as much of your fresh-cut produce before they are wasted. This is where NatureSeal® can help you stay on budget! 

On select fruits and veggies, NatureSeal extends the shelf life of fresh-cut produce 7 to 14 days while maintaining the natural color and texture. This makes reusability and storage after preparing sliced produce a worry-free process, keeping your ingredients looking fresh for longer. 

Not only can you focus your budget on other expenditures of your business, but you will also have convenient ingredients and sides for serving. Having a surplus of fresh-cut produce while staving off unappetizing browning is a perfect time-saver and reduces spending. 

If you are looking for a solution to keep fresh-looking fruits and vegetables for longer, while cutting down budgetary excess, NatureSeal is your next best option. When you use NatureSeal to keeps your fresh-cut produce looking delectable for your dining service, you make the entire process simpler. 


What advice do you have for reducing waste and excess spending in a foodservice setting? Please comment below.